Kurla Day

 When the chart of Kurla Day comes, you have to find the number in that chart whether the number you have selected has come in that chart or not. If the number you chose appears on the chart, you have won the game, but if the number you chose does not appear in that chart, you have lost. If you win then you get a lot more money than you put in but if we lose then you don’t get a single penny and on the contrary your invested money also gets sunk then you must have come to know that this game is as much It is beneficial as well as harmful.

Kurla Day has become more popular because competition between people has increased because the game has not gone into failure till now. These games purely work on luck. If you are lucky you will be the next millionaire.

There are many Satta games available to play in India but playing these games is illegal in India. But they are still they are played. Kurla Day is one such popular Satta game. Read more..


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