Online jobs
jobs” returns even more searches than work from
home jobs. Online jobs are any jobs that you can do just by being connected to
the internet. Lots of these jobs are part-time, pay-by-the-hour type roles.
Think English teacher, online tutor, part-time blogger, resume writer… they
tend to be very gig focused, and companies offering these roles will almost
always pay you by the hour. Great if you want flexibility, not necessarily if
you want stability.
Jobs may also be found
in online service marketplaces. Here workers offer small services,
usually for a set fee, and buyers browse the marketplace to find people
offering the services they need.
Online Jobs
opportunities include crowdsourcing projects, which are similar to data
entry, where companies engage an army of virtual workers to perform a small
part of a larger project. Workers can also take advantage of reward programs
and surveys, which are perhaps the original work-at-home micro-jobs.
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